XPointedDesert and XSimpleHands do not have as much variety in the hands as XPhyngern, but their hands point in a lot more directions–up, down, and at 45-degree angles.
XPhyngern is a collection of pointing fingers taken from a variety of sources. Some come from the 19th century, when there were a great many used. Others are based on fingers I found in...
IngyArrows is a set of three fonts with three sets of arrows, with one of them a blend of the other two, where normally there are standard numbers, letters, and punctuation marks. The revision...
The two XSeederChess fonts are two modernistic chess fonts. The key layout is a bit complicated; see the key guide for detailed information on how to position pieces correctly.
XPawnShop is a typographical chess font; the pieces are letters. The Pawn is an awkward letter P, the knight is a horse in the shape of an h, the bishop is a decorative letter...
There are three XKnightMares fonts. Each has rather formal chess fonts. The key layout is a bit complicated; see the key guide for detailed information on how to position pieces correctly. In addition to...
I designed a Morse-Code font in the mid 1990s, but when I decided to update it, I found enough problems with it to completely redo it. I hope I got all the mistakes out....