font_category: symbol

PIXymbols Africa

PIXymbols Africa font

Two symbol fonts based on African art and hand-crafts, such as bronze reliefs, wood carvings, and textiles. Use singly, as rules, borders or overall patterns.

PIXymbols ADA Signs

PIXymbols ADA Signs font

Signage mandated by the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, plus additional accessibility signs, in both font and EPS format in the same package.

PIXymbols Alphacircle

PIXymbols Alphacircle font

Two fonts generate positive and reverse letters and numbers in circles. Six border line weights, and two character weights. Circles can be squared.

Antique Macabre Ornaments

Antique Macabre Ornaments font

A set of authentic 18th century Belgian printers ornaments provided the reference for this creepy group of glyphs.