font_designer: Artur Frankowski

Modernista FA

Modernista FA font

An inspiration for two fonts of FA Modernista was the second page of Polish vanguard magazine “Praesens” Nr 1 from 1926 designed (as the first page) by Henryk Stażewski. The type applied – Baccarat...

Grotesk Polski FA

Grotesk Polski FA font

Grotesk Polski FA developed in 1998-2006, was inspired by the Polish eminent pre-WWII text typeface – Antykwa Półtawskiego. Adam Półtawski designing his antiqua had took into consideration the special qualities of Polish language. He...

Komunikat FA

Komunikat FA font

FA Komunikat is an experimental and geometrical typeface based on simple elements: a circle, it’s parts and straight lines. The typeface communicate the spirit of future, dynamism and modernity. FA Komunikat design was based...

Berlewi FA

Berlewi FA font

FA Berlewi is inspired by stencil lettering of a vanguard creator, Henryk Berlewi, who was a precursor of contemporary typography, a painter and a creator of the mechano-facture (Mechano-Faktura) theory. In 1924 he designed...