font_designer: David Kerkhoff


Grafiker font

Grafiker means ‘Graphic Designer’ in German. This fat, colored, uneven font with a 1001 uses was loosely based on the work of designers Oskar Kokoschka (1886 – 1980) and Jean Carlu (1900 – 1997)....

Chunky Chicken

Chunky Chicken font

Chunky Chicken is a fat, weird, funny and unique font. It was named in honor of my five chickens, who, despite the snow and freezing temperatures, keep laying eggs every day. Chunky Chicken is...


Pisang font

Pisang means banana in Malay and Bahasa Indonesia. It is a tall, narrow and very clear font, ideal for books, recipes, food labeling and posters. It comes with a full range of diacritics and...


Wayang font

Wayang font was named after the beautiful shadow puppets from Indonesia. The font was hand made, using a bamboo pen and Chinese ink on rough, eco-friendly Italian paper. Wayang is spiky, ultra-thin, yet extremely...

Petit Oiseau

Petit Oiseau font

Petit Oiseau (Little Bird in French) is a very nice and very legible ‘back-to-school’ kind of typeface. It is thin, elegant and stylish, yet retains a certain youthfulness. Petit Oiseau comes with Babylonian language...


Vermilion font

Vermilion is one of those colors that are neither/nor. It’s an ancient hue, in between red and orange and I kind of like the name. Vermilion font is a hand written, narrow and tall...


Kurkuma font

Kurkuma (Turmeric in Dutch) is a spice I use in all of my curries. And I love curry! It’s not more than fair to name a font after my favorite ingredient, so here you...


Meshuggeneh font

Meshuggeneh means ‘crazy fool’ in Yiddish. The typeface before you is kind of crazy as well: it is 3D, twisted, with light and shadows in all directions. Meshuggeneh comes with all diacritics, oy veh!

Inky Fingers

Inky Fingers font

Inky Fingers… Well, the name says it all! This rather obese font was made by hand (literally) using my index finger, some sheets of paper and a lot of Chinese ink. As the eco-paper...


Ventana font

Ventana (Spanish for window) is an old-fashioned handwritten typeface. It was created using Chinese ink and a bamboo pen. The result is a rather classy, stylish font. Ventana is highly legible and comes with...