font_designer: David Kerkhoff

Kitsune Tail

Kitsune Tail font

Kitsune means ‘Fox’ in Japanese. It really has nothing to do with Japanese foxes, but I am going to Japan in a few weeks, so I figured a Japan-inspired name would be perfect. Kitsune...


Sanseki font

The term Sanseki (Japanese for Three [Brush] Traces) is used to describe three famous Heian period calligraphers: Yaseki, Gonseki and Saseki. Not that I would ever dream of comparing my messy brush-work with theirs,...

Nouveau Crayon

Nouveau Crayon font

Nouveau Crayon is based on Crayon Crumble, a font I made a long time ago. I changed a lot of glyphs and added a whole bunch of new ones. It has become quite a...

Aardvark Dreams

Aardvark Dreams font

Aardvark Dreams… Yes, I guess this is the first font ever to have an aardvark in its name! Aardvark Dreams is a bit of an unusual font. It is didone-ish in style, but the...

Nippon Note

Nippon Note font

I just returned from a short holiday in Japan. I stayed in hostels and small guesthouses and noticed a peculiar thing they all had in common: they love little notes, telling you where to...

Sushi Bar

Sushi Bar font

Since I am still in a Japanese mood, I decided to name this font after my favourite pastime in Japan: hunting for the smallest, nicest sushi bar in town. After all, there’s just nothing...


Momotaro font

Momotarō is a Japanese legend about a boy who came to earth inside a giant peach. He was found by a childless woman and grew up to be a hero. I’m in a Japanese...


Chocolatte font

Chocolatte font is a yummy, creamy script font, made entirely with chocolate.. No, sorry, that’s not true. It was made with a pen, but I thought I’d create a nice urban myth. Chocolatte is...

More Or Less

More Or Less font

More Or Less was made with a permanent marker pen on thin Japanese paper. It is a handwritten note-style font with an uneven baseline and zippy glyphs. Comes with bells & whistles and a...

Food Truck

Food Truck font

Food Truck package is a wonderful set of fonts. During my recent trip to Japan, I stumbled upon a food truck / street food festival in Nara. Besides drinking the best cup of coffee...