font_designer: David Kerkhoff


Buckthorn font

Buckthorn is a genus of about 110 species of shrubs and small trees, native to North America and Asia. Its uses are varied: it is used for dye, oil, printing ink and oil. That...


Burobu font

Burobu, in case you’d like to know, means ‘blob’ in Japanese. I thought it was quite an appropriate name for this blob-like font! Burobu is a messy font and comes with a generous helping...


Xanthine font

Xanthine… is a purine base found in most human body tissues. Yes, you can forget that. I don’t even know what it means, but I suddenly realised that I was running low on fonts...


Bonedigger font

For some reason I had Paul Simon’s song ‘You Can Call Me All’ in my head when I was busy working on this font, so I just had to call it Bonedigger. Bonedigger does...


Teacup font

I remember a tea ceremony I attended in Fukuoka, Japan. The teahouse was set in a small, but beautiful garden and the whole idea of the ceremony was to appreciate the view from the...

Down The Wall

Down The Wall font

I have no great love for walls, especially when they are built to keep people out. When I started working on this font, I realized it looked a bit like protest graffiti, found on…...

Mandarin Whispers

Mandarin Whispers font

In Dutch, a Mandarijn is a Tangerine. I found out that it is called a Mandarin in Australia as well! I really like Mandarins, so I thought I’d give them their well-deserved place in...

Cry Wolf

Cry Wolf font

When I was a kid, I loved the story of The Boy Who Cried Wolf. I thought it was pretty stupid of the boy to trick the villagers into believing wolves are attacking his...


Crowbar font

Technically a crowbar is a straight metal rod used for digging. The tool I had in mind when I named this font is called a jemmy or pry bar, but I guess I liked...

Cover Up

Cover Up font

Cover Up is a roughish font with a lot of character. Its edges are slightly jagged, there is no real baseline and it looks like the whole thing has been sand blasted. When you...