font_designer: David Kerkhoff

Plastic Fantastic

Plastic Fantastic font

I have just returned from a trip to Malaysia, Java and Bali with my family: my wife had some family business there, so we turned it into a holiday. The last time I visited...


Gobsmacked font

Gobsmacked is a rather new English word. It has been around since 1959 and was used mostly around Liverpool at that time. The word means: ’astounded’, ‘flabbergasted’ (another nice word!) or ‘speechless’. Gob could...

China Syndrome

China Syndrome font

A really, really long time ago, I watched a movie called ‘The China Syndrome’ (starring Jane Fonda, Jack Lemon and Michael Douglas). It was one of those disaster movies that were quite popular at...


Tournedos font

The other day, I was cooking a curry and I suddenly realised that we, as a family, eat a lot of meat. At home we do like meat, but given the state our world...


Doubledecker font

I love riding English double decker buses! I haven’t been on one lately, but for some reason I had an image of a red double decker bus in my head when I made this...

Skeletal Wish

Skeletal Wish font

Skeletal Wish is a line from one of my favourite Opeth songs: Heir Apparent. The lyrics are pretty veiled and bleak, describing the destruction and downfall of something that once was beautiful. I am...

Umbrella Man

Umbrella Man font

Some time ago, I read an article about the Kennedy assassination. In that article, a person dubbed ‘the umbrella man’ played a rather bizarre role: apparently an innocent bystander with an opened umbrella was...

Evil Laughter

Evil Laughter font

I am working on my Halloween font collection and realised I did not have a ‘blood drip font’. So, I bought a second hand typewriter and typed all the glyphs. Then I made the...

Cookie Crumble

Cookie Crumble font

I like cookies. Especially butter cookies and ginger nuts. The word cookie comes from the Dutch word ‘koekje’ – which means exactly the same. Cookie Crumble is a cute little font that I made...

Genki Desu

Genki Desu font

Genki Desu is one of those Japanese expressions that are used a lot and don’t really mean what you think they mean. You can use it as a greeting: O Genki Desu Ka? (お元気ですか...