font_designer: Eric Gill


Aries font

In 1995, FontHaus came upon a rare opportunity to create a revival of Aries, a little known and previously unavailable typeface designed by the legendary Eric Gill in 1931. Discovering a lost typeface by...

Gill Hebrew

Gill Hebrew font

Near the end of his life, legendary type designer Eric Gill lived in Jerusalem, and became interested in the typesetting of the Hebrew alphabet and the challenges it entailed. He designed his own Hebrew...

Bunyan Pro

Bunyan Pro font

Bunyan Pro is the synthesis of Bunyan, the last face Eric Gill designed for hand setting in 1934 and Pilgrim, the machine face based on it, issued by British Linotype in the early 1950s...

Gill Sans

Gill Sans font

Gill Sans is a humanistic sans serif family that, while is considered by many to be quintessentially British in tone and concept, has been used in virtually every country and in nearly every application...

Gill Floriated Capitals

Gill Floriated Capitals font

Gill Floriated is based on a single character which Eric Gill drew as a decorated initial for use on a specimen setting of his Perpetua type. Although Gill was at first reluctant to produce...


Perpetua font

Eric Gill’s personal version of the Lapidary letterform.