font_designer: Helmut Matheis

Contact Pro

Contact Pro font

Based on the letterforms of Matheis’ Contact, this font was completely redrawn, digitized and extended to include Central European glyphs.


Bruschetta font

The problem with scripts in general, and brush scripts in particular, is that the majority of them cannot be set in all-caps words or sentences. So as a rule of thumb most designers try...


Rhino font

This is Canada Type’s second Helmut Matheis revival. Rhino is what Matheis did under the name Mobil for the Ludwig & Mayer foundry in 1960. It’s an informal text face with some attractive irregularities...

Silk Script

Silk Script font

Silk Script is a revival and elaborate expansion of a 1956 Helmut Matheis script called Primadonna, which strangely remained a metal face and never made the leap into the film age. Silk Script has...

Judo ND

Judo ND font

Hans Helmut Matheis was one of the leading designers of the Ludwig & Mayer typefoundry in Frankfurt, together with Karlgeorg Hoefer and Heinrich Jost and Jakob Erbar before him. His most wellknown type design...