font_designer: Jakob Fischer

Party Mush

Party Mush font

You can’t take anything for granted when it comes to the Party Mush font – every single letter has got its own personality…and madness! This is a font that will definately kick those party...


Mutaints font

Better be careful…the Mutaints are loose…Mutaints bite…watch your fingers! Comes along with a complementary dingbat with 52 more or less weird figures!


Plumbsky font

Plumbsky comes to the rescue when something that looks handmade and goofy is needed. In all it’s funkiness it stays somewhat true to the classic moves of a typeface.


Raskal font

Yiehar! Woohee! This is a funky and chunky wild west PizzaDude font! Buy all three versions at once and save a fistful of dollars!

Monkey Pants

Monkey Pants font

Ever seen a monkey with pants? Probably would look silly, and that’s excactly how this font looks! A jumpy, weird and funny font – unpredictable and ready for ounzes of fun!

Happy Heinrich

Happy Heinrich font

Happy Heinrich has the looks of a typewriter font, but he’s far to funky just for that!


Sensomelia font

Sensomelia is a delicate and sensitive font with an authentic handwritten look. It’s clean, smooth and right in the eye!

Rosa Love

Rosa Love font

Rosa Love is a laid back and legible handwritten font. Dedicated with love to my daughter, Rosa!


TalkSeek font

Walk so fresh, talk so fresh – we like it, we like it! TalkSeek is in town and is ready to rock!


Junkfool font

What happens if you take a bamboo stick and break it into two, then use it with ink on cardboard? Junkfool! – That’s what happens!