font_designer: Jakob Fischer
Fligerish is a true romantic font, without being too fancy or swirly.
Powder Punk is an easy going romantic and delicious font.
Fig Bun is a slightly curly font with a cute attitude. When used in CAPS only, Fig Bun is is suitable for text in comics!
Dreambog is actually made of circles and straight lines. But a closer look quickly reveals a more handmade-like font, despite of the geometry! Comes is regular and fat versions…Made to look great with almost...
Jugelia is love!
Ten Ton Truck is a heavy, but very legible font. Works very well with massive text, as well as headlines and such.
Xantigo is a fun, smooth and romantic font with rounded edges.
Punkfarm is a collection 3 fonts in different messed-up ways.
Yes, it IS possible to have an empty head and a full stomach at the same time! A goofy font with letters that play well together. It looks like fun without overdoing it! Comes...
Family Cat is a handmade typeface, comes in three different versions and just wants to be your friend! Works very well with its soul mate Family Dog!