font_designer: Jakob Fischer


Spoiler font

Now here’s a font that won’t spoil anything!It’s my ALL CAPS brush font with slightly uneven and quirky lines. Just enough to make font look lively and fresh, but not overdoing it. Every letter...


Spatchers font

Spatchers is obviously a comic font – very useful when you need a fresh and legible look to whatever you design. I’ve made 4 slightly different versions of each lowercase letter – and they...


Scratchers font

Scratch me here and scratch me there – use my font to get some atmosphere.A quirky sans with scratchy lines, with contextual alternates in 4 different versions of each lowercase letter and multilingual support....

Chilling Atmosphere

Chilling Atmosphere font

Chilling Atmosphere is inspired by classic horror movies and is super useful to for your creepy postcards, flyers, clothing or perhaps packaging. I’ve added 6 different versions of each letter, to make your creepy...


Squeam font

Here’s a fun font that is quirky, jumpy and uneven. It’s also unpredictable, but not more than your text will be clear and legible…but in a fun way! :)I’ve added several lowercase versions that...

Slow Foot

Slow Foot font

What’s the hurry? Take your time! Take the first step with your Slow Foot and something (good) will show! :)A fun font with contextual alternates that leaves you with 6 different versions of each...

Sunshine Formula

Sunshine Formula font

Imagine having a formula for sunshine. I mean, in a way to make the sun shine when you want it, or really need it. That could be for a day at the beach, or...

Happy Laundry

Happy Laundry font

Happy Laundry is my laid back happy kids font. Smooth and yet rough here and there. I’d say that Happy Laundry would suit your birthday invitations, posters, packaging and other products perfectly! Enjoy! 🙂

Satin Blues

Satin Blues font

Satin Blues is my easy going and very legible sans. Actually I drew this by hand and then traced each letter digitally, leaving a super steady, yet funky, comic font. I’ve made two versions:...

Thick Fun

Thick Fun font

This is not a brush font!This is an imitation of brushstrokes, done by pen. But I guess you’ve already noticed that – the brushstrokes are way too obvious, to have been made by brush....