font_designer: Jeff Levine

Sales Book JNL

Sales Book JNL font

Sales Book JNL was recreated from sample letters found in the wood type section of an old printer’s supply catalog.

Sales Slip JNL

Sales Slip JNL font

Sales Slip JNL is derived from the core lettering of Sales Book JNL, an outline font with a cast shadow; modeled from wood type examples found in an old printer’s supply catalog.

Bonehead JNL

Bonehead JNL font

Thematic fonts aren’t always big sellers, but they do serve a purpose for specialty projects and applications. Bonehead JNL is a novelty typeface that is constructed out of bones. Whether the need is for...

Bonehead JNL

Bonehead JNL font

Thematic fonts aren’t always big sellers, but they do serve a purpose for specialty projects and applications. Bonehead JNL is a novelty typeface that is constructed out of bones. Whether the need is for...

Casual Stencil JNL

Casual Stencil JNL font

Casual Stencil JNL was modeled from a set of stencils used for store display work that are reminiscent of brush style casual lettering made popular by sign painters and show card artists.

Informational Gothic JNL

Informational Gothic JNL font

The Wood-Regan Instruments Company (Wrico) of New Jersey manufactured for decades a line of lettering kits called the Wrico Sign Maker. With only special ink pens, plastic templates and a template guide anyone could...

McCadden JNL

McCadden JNL font

McCadden JNL was inspired by the hand-lettered credits for the George Burns and Gracie Allen Show [1950-1958]. Its casual theme offers a lighthearted approach to titling and display work. The font gets its name...

Print Shop Stencil JNL

Print Shop Stencil JNL font

Print Shop Stencil JNL was created from the few letters spotted on the packaging of a 1960s-era toy printing press set.

Rustic Stencil JNL

Rustic Stencil JNL font

A hand-lettered title on a children’s stencil book for sale in an online auction served as the basis for Rustic Stencil JNL. Reminiscent of classic wood type, this stencil design adds a Western-influenced flair...

Show Biz JNL

Show Biz JNL font

The lettering style of Show Biz JNL is a classic sanserif with Art Deco influences. Slight variations in some letter shapes set it off from similar releases. The basic inspiration for this font was...