font_designer: Jeff Levine

Print Embellishments JNL

Print Embellishments JNL font

Print Embellishments JNL gathers together a number of vintage typographic enhancements that can be used as simple spot decorations, rule lines or borders, adding a bit of design elegance to any project.

Print Spots JNL

Print Spots JNL font

Print Spots JNL once again gathers together various and sundry vintage letterpress ornaments, embellishments, borders and spot illustrations from various sources.

Print Spots JNL

Print Spots JNL font

Print Spots JNL once again gathers together various and sundry vintage letterpress ornaments, embellishments, borders and spot illustrations from various sources.

Printing Press Cuts JNL

Printing Press Cuts JNL font

Printing Press Cuts JNL gathers vintage cartoons, sales helpers and decorative ornaments into one handy collection for embellishing any retro-oriented project.

Margate JNL

Margate JNL font

A set of water-applied decals manufactured in 1962 by the American Decalcomania Company for Goodyear serves as the basis for Margate JNL. This block-style letter (with a hint of the Art Deco era) is...

Old Wood JNL

Old Wood JNL font

One of the charming features of vintage wood type is the unusual interplay of stroke widths or letter shapes that can vary from character to character. In today’s world of digital perfection, a set...

Longacre JNL

Longacre JNL font

Longacre JNL is bold. It’s condensed. It has rounded ends. The design is both eye-catching and casual; perfect for titling that needs to make a point without being overwhelming. Based on a set of...

Margate JNL

Margate JNL font

A set of water-applied decals manufactured in 1962 by the American Decalcomania Company for Goodyear serves as the basis for Margate JNL. This block-style letter (with a hint of the Art Deco era) is...

Saddle Tramp JNL

Saddle Tramp JNL font

The designers of wood type in the 1880s did not lack for inspiration or imagination. From extremely ornate designs to ultra compressed or condensed alphabets, there was no shortage of variety. Saddle Tramp JNL...

Stencil Project JNL

Stencil Project JNL font

Stencil Project JNL combines a number of themes within the many decorative stencil designs re-drawn from vintage sources.