font_designer: Josep Patau


Boxed font

Boxed typography is a new and extensive 18 weight typeface, brightly conceived and designed to look good on small screen devices, but offering also enlightened looks on paper. The semi-modular geometric font shapes seek...


Pobla font

Optimum readability in small bodies with scarce interlining, under poor printing conditions such as in newspapers, where velocity and bad quality’s irregular surface papers, truly distort strokes was the challenge taken. Pobla was designed...


Naste font

Tipo Pèpel strikes again with a lush splurge on pure basic geometrical shapes and sizes, those that inspired Paul Renner’s typographic milestone “Futura”. A new look to classic shapes, bringing them back plenty of...


Itaca font

Known sometimes as “utopia”, “journey” other times, but also named with name´s place where one wants to go, “Ithaca” home of Ulysses. Typographic Cartesian coordinates are usually two, from the skeleton, the narrower, to...


Trepa font

From time to time at Tipo Pèpel we like to play like children and get our hands dirty with whatever implement that can be used to mark or draw on the walls, even if...


Dupla font

When Dupla was designed, its DNA shown the best of the typographic heritage from the XIX century types, the oldest san serif known, also named as “Grotesk”, a soft synonym for bizarre, unnatural weird....

Werdet Script

Werdet Script font

Werdet Script is a calligraphic typeface, inspired by the samples of the calligraphy “Batarde” created the first half of the 19th century by the French calligrapher Père Werdet. It has expanded on the original...

Boxed Round

Boxed Round font

Boxed Round is a rounded version of the popular Boxed font, a typeface whit 18 weights, brightly conceived and designed to look good on small screen devices, but offering also enlightened looks on paper....


Mario font

Once upon a time, Mestre Patau, the «Black» magician, concerned about children´s typefaces historical ugliness, decided to settle the matter and using his vector powers, made letters embellished to be used in that stories...