font_designer: Kimberly Geswein
A neat handwritten font in an upright, feminine style. The bar key | contains a cute slice of cake.
This handwritten font was designed with Ashley Sanderson at Flying High In First Grade.
Use the [ and ] key to create a unique flag ending on your words. Use alternating lowercase and uppercase with the Bounce version to create a bouncy look. To create a solid space...
Use lowercase letters to make the side initials and uppercase letters to create the large center initial.
A cute doodled outline typewriter style font.
Use lowercase letters to make the side intials and uppercase letters to create the large center monogram.
This quirky font is a playful take on my This quirky font is a playful take on my KG Primary Penmanship.
A trio of 3 playful fonts perfect for summery, whimsical projects.
This neat handwritten font is the handwriting of a kindergarten teacher.
A hand-drawn sketchy serif font.