font_designer: Manuel Viergutz

Curly Lava Bubble

Curly Lava Bubble font

CONCEPT/ CHARACTERISTICS The lava/soap/pudding character of the font reminds us of a modern bitmap pixel font. »Curly lava bubble« goes even further. The rectangular hard edges expands to soft and almost organic forms. APPLICATION...



CONCEPT/ CHARACTERISTICS A display font that allows you to »Kleckern und Klotzen« (modified German proverb »to not take half-measures«) The fat and square character to the font, a bold and loud statement. The motto...

Dirty Deo Hand Ink

Dirty Deo Hand Ink font

 Experimental analog handwritten style. Handwritten in ink in a conventional roll-on deodorant. The dirty, grimmy Grunge-Look and the sloppy, rough Handwritten-Look script cha­rac­ter, gives the type­face a high reco­gni­tion…

Elegant Hand Script

Elegant Hand Script font

 Der schludrige und raue handgeschriebene Cha­rak­ter, geben der Schrift eine hohe Wiedererkennung und eine gewisse Einzigartigkeit. Das Motto lautet handgemacht, rau und elegant. EINSATZGEBIETE
 Das dreckige, elegante…


Giraffenhals font

The kiddy and rough cha­rac­ter and the huge capital height with the tiny x-height (plus the cute giraffe character dingbats), gives the type­face a high reco­gni­tion value and uniqueness. Application Area The warm, child-like,...


Rip TAPE font

The handmade, dirty and yet modern character of the font was designed with analog tape on paper and later digitized. The motto is sticky, wrinkled and rough APPLICATION AREA The dirty, rough and...

Gothic Hand Dirty

Gothic Hand Dirty font

Head­line Font | Dis­play Font | Raw Hand­writ­ten Script Font Gothic Hand Dirty with 2 styles (regu­lar, bold) & 58 glyphs.

Soul Lotion

Soul Lotion font

CONCEPT/CHARACTERISTICS The typeface “Soul Lotion” is a sans serif font for display sizes. Con­struc­ted, clear and sim­ply with mono­line cha­rac­ter. The round and unador­ned look is modern & simple. APPLICATION AREA The modern, clear...


HeavyLOUDedge font

Head­line Font / Dis­play Font / Techno Fat Font Hea­vy­Loun­dEdge with 4 styles (regu­lar, bold, light, line) & 304 gly­phs, including accents & €.

MODERN Hand Fraktur

MODERN Hand Fraktur font

 Der schludrige und raue handgeschriebene Fraktur Cha­rak­ter, geben der Schrift eine hohe Wiedererkennung und eine gewisse Einzigartigkeit. Das Motto lautet handgemacht, rau, Fraktur & modern. EINSATZGEBIETE
 Das dreckige…