font_designer: Mårten Thavenius

FF Rattlescript

FF Rattlescript font

Swedish type designer Mårten Thavenius created this script FontFont in 2000. The family has 8 weights, ranging from Light to Bold (including italics) and is ideally suited for advertising and packaging, festive occasions, film...

Aptifer Sans

Aptifer Sans font

Aptifer Sans and Aptifer Slab are two 21st century typeface families created by Mårten Thavenius. Each family has seven weights, in roman and italic respectively, making 28 font styles in total. A heritage from...

Aptifer Slab

Aptifer Slab font

Aptifer Sans and Aptifer Slab are two 21st century typeface families created by Mårten Thavenius. Each family has seven weights, in roman and italic respectively, making 28 font styles in total. A heritage from...