font_designer: Nick Curtis

Tintern Abbey NF

Tintern Abbey NF font

A 1905 poster for the Austrian National Highway by artist Gustav Jahn inspired the letterforms for this typeface. In the spirit of comity, Barnhart Brothers & Spindler’s Publicity Gothic Initial Caps inspired the uppercase...

Stone Soup NF

Stone Soup NF font

A poster for Buster Keaton’s 1925 classic film “The General” provided the inspiration for this bit of typographic falderal. Essentially a monocase font, the lowercase letters are alternates, so double-clutch the shift key to...

Period Borders NF

Period Borders NF font

Here’s a collection of border elements taken from the pages of nineteenth and early twentieth century type specimen books of various American foundries. Download the PDF provided for each font for simple guides to...

Junge Holiday Cuts NF

Junge Holiday Cuts NF font

A charming series of 26 holiday “type warmers” based on the works of Carl S. Junge for the Barnhart Brothers & Spindler type foundry in the 1920s. Single-color cuts are in the uppercase positions,...

Grand Prairie NF

Grand Prairie NF font

This addition to the Whiz-Bang Woodtype series in based on a 100+ year-old typeface originally named Medallic. Due to the highly ornate nature of this font, it has a limited character set (no math...

Wurstwagen NF

Wurstwagen NF font

The pattern for this typeface was suggested by a poster for beer, designed by German artist Ludwig Hohlwein around 1920. The plump curvy serifs suggested a great complement to beer, hot dogs, and thus...

Abbey Road NF

Abbey Road NF font

Here’s a fresh take on an old favorite, originally named Abbott Old Style, which exudes antique charm, and also suggests exotic locales.

Ye Olde Block NF

Ye Olde Block NF font

Lewis F. Day, in his book Alphabets Old and New, offered this typeface as an example from sixteenth-century England of lettering incised in wood. The font is essentially monocase, but there several lowercase letters...

Kynges X NF

Kynges X NF font

This luscious, loopy Lombardic face was inspired by an offering in the 1938 classic, Letters and Lettering by Paul Carlyle and Gus Oring. Suitable for formal or informal occasions. Both versions of this font...

Runaround Sue NF

Runaround Sue NF font

In his book Brushstroke and Free-Style Alphabets, Dan X. Solo called this typeface “Tamarind Script” but, whatever its name, this sparkly little gem will add rollicking retro charm to any project it graces. The...