Originally designed in 1985 and released by Letraset for dry transfer Lettering, Kestrel has, until now, never been digitized. The face now has been completely re-drawn and digitized for all formats. It is a...
In searching for a Roman to use, I found there were bits of Bembo, Times, Garamond, etc., that I liked and bits that I did not. So I set out to take the best...
Based heavily on Gill especially in the mid weights, Astoria has a subtle top left serif which makes it not quite a Roman and not quite a Sans. Designed specifically as a text face...
A modern update of the unique sans display font Peignot originally designed in 1937 by A. M. Cassandre. The font has been modernised by making all the terminals soft and making a larger x...
The Sans serif companion to Astoria. Based heavily on Gill especially in the mid weights and with a consistant series of condensed weights. Designed specifically as a text face it still works very well...
A further development of the Colosseum range but this with a slab serif. Visually monoline and modern in appearence it still retains its Trajan characteristics. The addition of Spartacus black with its unusual Italic...
Vatican is a calligraphic face. The lower case is influenced by the lettering of Arthur Baker but the caps are more formal, the shape of the Cap V reminded me of a Bishops Mitre...
Originally designed as a supermarket point-of-sale font, Chalky is a chalk on blackboard style of lettering. More condensed than most fonts of this style, chalky can be used in relatively long settings without losing...