font_foundry: Andinistas


Enjoy font

Enjoy is a font family designed by CFCG. Its 5 fonts work in groups or independently. When used to complement illustrations or spontaneous projects requiring organic fonts, in Enjoy you will find expressive attributes...


Makeup font presents Makeup Script. Expressive hand-made typography to design sentences with high textured impact; has 4 creative tools. Our priorities are continually updated and we prefer to use the elevator since taking the stairs...


Infusion font

Infusion is a type family designed by CFCG & Fabio Godoy for The creative process of Infusion evolved throughout a myriad of experiments supported by my font gluten This is why its expressivity...


Warhol font

Warhol is a font family designed by Carlos Fabian Camargo. Its 3 fonts work in groups or independent. His carefree soul lies in the sensibility, creativity and abstract motivations listening to the album: The...


Stevia font

Stevia is a font family designed by Carlos Fabian Camargo Guerrero. Stevia is a sweet font family created to design logos, cards, posters, book covers, blogs, packaging, walls, etc. Stevia is useful to differentiate...


Bechamel font

Hello! Do you need letters that look like they are drawn with a brush so that your creative work shines and stands out? We present Bechamel, a family of script fonts designed to be...

Bechamel Roman

Bechamel Roman font

BECHAMEL ROMAN was born interpreting unicase letterings of the movie “Willy Wonka and the chocolate factory”. Later these ideas matured with flexible tip nib and paper mixing their naive proportions with some classic ingredients...

Nutcake CatchWords

Nutcake CatchWords font

INSPIRED BY THE LOVERS OF LETTERS AND ANCIENT ANIMATED DRAWINGS: We present one of our most desired typographical tools of 2019: NUTCAKE CATCH-WORDS! Designed and produced by #carlosfabiancg and #a_freitez at different times and...


Bleak font

@andinistas presents Bleak , an experimental font designed by #carlosfabiancg. Bleak is based on the imaginative use of contrast applied in the empty space and on the dramatic distributions of the wide and compressed...


Rapsodia font

@andinistas presents Rapsodia, an uncommon roman caps font with serif and high contrast, designed by #carlosfabiancg. Rapsodia was inspired by Stunt Roman, Speedball Textbook for Pen & Brush Lettering by Ross F. George. Rapsodia...