Transcribed from letters designed by Jan van Krimpen for The Curwen Press at Plaistow, London, in 1925; printed on pages 49, 51 & 53 of A Specimen Book of Types and Ornaments in Use...
Typoskript AR is based on a metal type which was produced in 1968 by VEB Typoart, Dresden, from a design of the German calligrapher and lettering artist Hildegard Korger. It bears all the qualities...
Freundschafts-Antiqua AR is based on a 20th-century German type design. Freundschafts-Antiqua (which was also called Chinesische Antiqua) was designed by the Chinese calligrapher Yü Bing-nan when he was a student at the Hochschule für...
Based on the 36-point design of the Amsterdam Nobel Inline capitals (1931), Sans Serif Inline™ is designed specially to meet the requirements of today’s technology.
The Troyer AR ornaments are based on the first series of ornaments designed for American Type Founders by Johannes Troyer (1902-69). They were cast in 36 and 48 point in 1953 by ATF who...
Kuehne-Antiqua AR is a digital transcription of a latin letter by Hans Kühne which was cast in 14-pt by the Gebr. Klingspor foundry in 1954. It is a distinguished pen-drawn type in which can...
Pan AR is based on a playful design by the great graphic artist and book designer Prof. Walter Brudi. The original types, with two sets of capitals, were cast in 14, 16, 20, 28,...
Based on the 10- and 36-point Diethelm-Antiqua types designed by Walter Diethelm and issued by Haas (Münchenstein) 1948-51. DiethelmAR™ series text-size fonts are based on the 10-point designs. Eastern European accents, swash capitals, alternative…