font_foundry: ArtyType


Nutcase font

Nutcase is a perfect example of a font that principally designed itself. I created a hexagonal template (the most economical form in nature by the way) and took out the center to increase the...


Somatype font

As with any attempt at a new typeface, you want to create something different. A difficult task as most legible fonts are based on something previous. Somatype isn’t actually based on any particular font...

Somatype Skwosh

Somatype Skwosh font

Somatype Skwosh was born out of a desire to ignore traditional rules for condensed character forms in favour of contrasting vertical and horizontal thicknesses and the interesting shapes produced by re-scaling along only one...

Marsh Scroll

Marsh Scroll font

The concept for ‘Scroll’ came to me fully formed when setting out to design a bold display typeface. The premise for this was to base the letter-forms on a rolled strip of paper. A...

SomaSkript Tall

SomaSkript Tall font

Somaskript Tall shares the same concept as Somatype Skwosh, namely a desire to ignore traditional rules and re-scale along one axis only. This time the starting point was Somaskript and the end result is...


SomaSkript font

SomaSkript is a natural extension to the basic Somatype font design, adding more variety to the family, all of which have similar features. Basically, by widening the uprights and maintaining the thin cross-bars it...


Groovy font

Groovy started out as a prospective variant in the ‘Flashback’ series but very quickly established its own distinct appearance, especially with the lower case letters blending into the format so well. There wasn’t any...


Flashback font

All three fonts – Dropout, Rough Diamond and Thorny, evolved from experimenting with a cubic template devised as the basis for a retro display type series titled ‘Flashback’. I experimented with numerous shapes initially...


SomaSlab font

The ‘Somatype’ range has expanded further with this latest addition to the collection, titled SomaSlab. Although the basic letterforms are the same as in the generic Somatype family, the introduction of slab-serifs to appropriate...

SomaSlab Tall

SomaSlab Tall font

SomaSlab Tall has all the same characteristics as SomaSlab, transferred into a style which has been condensed along the horizontal axis only. Available in 2 weights, XBold & Heavy, with an extended Latin character...