Chianti BT Chianti was designed at Bitstream by senior designer Dennis Pasternak in 1991 and initially released in 1995. The intent behind the design was to provide a humanist sanserif of high readability at a wide...
Amerigo BT An original Bitstream typeface prepared by Gerard Unger to provide a typeface of tapered stroke that will work well at lower resolutions.
American Text A condensed American blackletter designed for ATF in 1932 by Morris Fuller Benton; the face grows out of nineteenth century roots.
Caslon Openface A small x-height typeface, originating with engravers near the start of the twentieth century, appearing in type in the 1923 ATF specimen.
Allegro A typeface with characteristics of roman and italic, fat face and stencil, modern and script. It was designed by Hans Bohn for Ludwig & Mayer in 1936.