font_foundry: Bitstream

Chianti BT

Chianti BT font

Chianti was designed at Bitstream by senior designer Dennis Pasternak in 1991 and initially released in 1995. The intent behind the design was to provide a humanist sanserif of high readability at a wide...

Amerigo BT

Amerigo BT font

An original Bitstream typeface prepared by Gerard Unger to provide a typeface of tapered stroke that will work well at lower resolutions.

American Text

American Text font

A condensed American blackletter designed for ATF in 1932 by Morris Fuller Benton; the face grows out of nineteenth century roots.

Caslon Openface

Caslon Openface font

A small x-height typeface, originating with engravers near the start of the twentieth century, appearing in type in the 1923 ATF specimen.


Allegro font

A typeface with characteristics of roman and italic, fat face and stencil, modern and script. It was designed by Hans Bohn for Ludwig & Mayer in 1936.

Ad Lib

Ad Lib font

Designed for informal effects in 1961 by Freeman Craw for ATF.