Limited to a single width for all characters and a rough image transferred through a ribbon to the paper, in 1953 Clayton Smith at IBM, Lexington, adapted the classical serifed letterform to this difficult...
Lydian is Warren Chappell’s almost calligraphic sanserif, designed for ATF in 1938. Lydian Cursive, done by Chappell in 1940, is much freer and more calligraphic.
Prima is a series of fonts designed at Bitstream by Jim Lyles (Sans and Serif) and Sue Zafarana (Sans Mono), released in 1998. The fonts have been tuned to give exceptionally good quality at...
A light roundhand with mildly clubbed terminals on the capitals. It was expertly transferred from an engravers’ pattern plate to the Fotosetter Intertype about 1955.