font_foundry: Blambot

Architext BB

Architext BB font

Patterned after the unique lettering style of architects and draftsmen. This font family includes a nice compliment of European characters as well as the drafting symbol for “center line” when you hit the `...

Hired Goons BB

Hired Goons BB font

Here’s a font with a black eye, a split lip, and a pair of brass knuckles hidden in its back pocket! Regular, Italic and Bold included as well as dozens of European characters.

Afterlife BB

Afterlife BB font

A turn of the century inspired font. Designed to be fashionable for your weekly séance invitations!

Glass Jaw BB

Glass Jaw BB font

Punchy and full of spunk, Glass Jaw BB is designed to keep am down for the count. Regular and Italic included with lots of European characters.

Entrails BB

Entrails BB font

If that raccoon you saw on the side of the road last week was a font, this would be it! Comes with Regular and Italic and has tons of European characters!

Whitechapel BB

Whitechapel BB font

During the investigation of the infamous murders in Whitechapel, police received several letters allegedly from Jack the Ripper. Of the hundreds received, the so-called, “Dear Boss” letter actually included some details of a crime...

Sucker Punch BB

Sucker Punch BB font

An all-purpose comic book sound effects font with upper and lowercases as well as dozens of European characters! Comes in Regular and Italic.

Cyrano BB

Cyrano BB font

How do I love thee? Let me buy the font… Comes in Regular and Italic with European characters.

Alter Ego BB

Alter Ego BB font

An old school comic book lettering font – simple and legible at small point sizes. Includes Regular, Italic and Bold as well as a hefty compliment of European characters.

Super Strong BB

Super Strong BB font

An upper and lowercase comic book dialogue font with just the slightest leftward slant. Includes regular, italic and bold as well as a superhuman set of European characters!