font_foundry: Buttfaces


Ciggiebutt font

Smokers welcome here! Use this font to evoke that distressed feel and smoke your competition! (Woo, that was a bad one.) Ciggiebutt is based on a condensed san serif type with very rough edges.


Skuttlebutt font

Skuttlebutt is a light-hearted font, good for a cartoon-like look. Great for body text or as a big headline.

Butt Bongo

Butt Bongo font

ButtBongo is a light-hearted condensed font, good for a cartoon-like or casual hand-drawn look.


Buttheads font

Finally revenge on all those Buttheads in my life. 30+ Goofy Caricatures of some very unique people. (you know who you are.)


Buttmap font

ButtMap is a light-hearted font based on the look of a bitmap screen font, good for a cartoon-like or casual hand-drawn look.

Butt Writer

Butt Writer font

ButtWriter is based on a typewriter’s type with a rough halftone pattern applied to it.


Buttzilla font

ButtZilla is based on a typewriter’s type with a reptile like, broken look.


Enema font

Enema is a weathered, distressed font that looks like it was made by a rubber stamp with little ink or a bad copy machine low on toner.


Headbutt font

Headbutt is a san serif outline type with a rough halftone pattern applied to it.


Buttskerville font

Buttskerville is a sribbled font based on a version of Baskerville.