font_foundry: Canada Type

Classic Comic

Classic Comic font

Classic Comic is the fourth family of Canada Type’s long-running series of comic book fonts. It feels right at home alongside Collector Comic, Captain Comic and Caper Comic. Rather than following a particular model,...


Archie font

Archie is a wide attention-grabber based on a simple geometric alphabet drawn in the early 1930s by Dutch calligrapher and lettering artist Martin Meijer. This digital family expands considerably on the original letters, adding...


Tuba font

Initially commissioned in the summer of 2009 for a popular North American ice cream parlor chain we cannot name, Tuba started with a reconceptualization of a somewhat flawed ’72 alphabet idea by Swiss graphic...


Agent font

Agent was inspired by the classic fun lettering of 1930s Dutch alphabetician Martin Meijer. Casual and playful, Agent is a carefully considered amalgam of the art brush’s organic forms and the easily read, ironic...

Book Jacket

Book Jacket font

Book Jacket is arguably the most famous of all typefaces done in the Typositor era. Designed by Ursula Suess over an entire year, and published in 1972, Book Jacket became an instant success story...


Firefly font

Firefly was designed by Miranda Hopper during her time in Patrick Griffin’s type design class of 2010 at Humber. It is a light, narrow alphabet that works well in casual, leisurely design.


Messenger font

Messenger is a redux of two mid-1970s Markus Low designs: Markus Roman, an upright calligraphic face, and Ingrid, a popular typositor-era script. Through the original film faces were a couple of years apart and...


Testament font

From the standpoint of calligraphy, a font family of capitals and uncials makes perfect sense. The Roman square capitals, the quadrata, are matched by round capitals of older Greek origin; the word “uncus” means...


Robur font

It shouldn’t be a surprise to anyone that these letter shapes are familiar. They have the unmistakable color and weight of Cooper Black, Oswald Cooper’s most famous typeface from 1921. What should be a...

Wagner Grotesk

Wagner Grotesk font

This is the elaborate digital version of Edel Grotesque Bold Condensed (also known as Lessing, Reichgrotesk, and Wotan Bold Condensed) a 1914 typeface by Johannes Wagner, which was later adopted by pretty much every...