font_foundry: Comicraft

Treasure Trove

Treasure Trove font

X marks the spot — and the height of the lower case letters — in this cartographic calligraphy mapped out for you by lettering landlubber Jolly ’JG’ Roshell and his trusty crowquill. Mapquest “Mystery...


FairyTale font

In its beauty, Comicraft’s Fairytale font is without rival in the heavens, the earth, or the stuff of men’s dreams! A wee thing it may be, but ’tis like a star pulled from the...


Letterbot font

“If you prick me, do I not bleed? If you tickle me do I not laugh? If you poison me do I not DIE? And if you wrong me shall I not REVENGE?” “I...


Kickback font

Joe Canelli is a crooked cop working in a corrupt police force. Joe is haunted by nightmares of powerlessness. When his partner is brutally murdered and he’s betrayed by his colleagues, it appears that...

Mild Mannered

Mild Mannered font

When this font slips on a pair of ordinary, over-the-counter spectacles, applies a little hair gel and straightens its red, white and blue tie, it disappears amongst common mortals like you and I… But...


Comicraft font

FIFTEEN YEARS! Hundreds of fonts of Unique Design, Thousands of pages of Fine Lettering, Millions of satisfied customers and Elephantmen served! Yes, this month marks Comicraft’s fifteenth anniversary and we’re celebrating with the relaunch...

Sticky Fingers

Sticky Fingers font

LOOK OUT! It’s kinda creepy, we know, but we’re convinced that this font does whatever a spider can — in fact, we believe it can actually spin a web of pretty much any size,...

Bryan Talbot

Bryan Talbot font

The lettering style of Lancashire’s finest comic book artist, graphic novelist and NEMESIS deviant Bryan Talbot is finally at your beck and call thanks to the good graces of those awfully nice chaps at...

Mad Scientist

Mad Scientist font

Working on The Lab late one night, evil comic book genius Scott Christian Sava realized there was something missing from his graphic experiment! No, not slugs and snails or puppydogs’ tails, nor sugar, spice,...


Ratatatat font

So y’think youse gonna whack me, huh? Y’think that font o’ yours is packin’ enough heat to finish me off? Huh? Is that what youse is thinkin’? Well go ahead, but if y’whack me...