font_foundry: Comicraft


Sentinel font

Common use(s) of Comicraft’s All-new, All-different SENTINEL font include FACTOR-X, X-MAN, GENERATION NEXT and X-CALIBRE. Possible Side Effects: This font should not be used if you are trapped in a world you never made...

Ghost Town

Ghost Town font

The Gold Rush is over, the prospectors have made their fortune and the mine has been worked out! The inhabitants of Boomtown USA have moved on — the saloon is dry, the sheriff has...


Shiver font

Is your character vibrating slightly or feeling shuddering feverishly, as if from fear or excitement? Is he or she a warm-blooded animal experiencing the early onset hypothermia? Is your protagonist experiencing a pleasurable sensation...


Temporal font

You’re trapped in an endless now… seconds seem to be stretching out interminably… There’s an eternity between every tick, every tock of the clock… Your consciousness is stretched to the limit as time is...