font_foundry: DSType

Resea Condensed

Resea Condensed font

This is the perfect companion to Resea, because it’s more condensed it’s ideal for text blocks and perfectly readable in small sizes.


Kartago font

Kartago was inspired by the inscriptions in the Roman ruins in the city of Cartago in Tunisia. Designed with plenty of uppercase ligatures for better design possibilities.


Aquila font

Aquila is a highly legible serif typeface, designed with cursive letterforms in the italic version and without top serifs on the lower case characters giving it a more casual look.


Missiva font

The first inspiration for Missiva was a sixteen century letter from S. Francisco Xavier (St. Francis Xavier) but then I adapted my own handwriting in order to have the basic character set.


Quaestor font

Quaestor was designed to be a strong a decided text typeface because the Quaestor was a Roman magistrate, with responsibility for the treasury and in early times a quaestor also had judicial powers. This...


Quaestor font

Quaestor was designed to be a strong a decided text typeface because the Quaestor was a Roman magistrate, with responsibility for the treasury and in early times a quaestor also had judicial powers. This...

Quaestor Sans

Quaestor Sans font

Quaestor Sans is the perfect companion to Quaestor. The smooth angles in the terminals make it closer to Quaestor and allows to keep the strong character of the typeface.


Nerva font

This is the kind of serif/sans serif typefaces that I always liked so much (like Optima by Mr. Herman Zapf that was always a great inspiration to me). Complete horizontal baseline with curve vertical...


Albo font

Albo is part of a new set of typefaces inspired in ancient documents from Portuguese 15th and 16th century books. Based on a document from Afonso d’Alboquerque (Goa, July, 1514), Albo was designed to...