font_foundry: Elsner+Flake

Vianova Serif Pro

Vianova Serif Pro font

The font superfamily Vianova contains each 12 weights of Sans and Slab and 8 weights of the Serif style. The design from Jürgen Adolph dates back into the 1990s, when he studied Communication Design...

Kristall Now Pro

Kristall Now Pro font

The design of Kristall Grotesk Now is based on a cut by Wagner & Schmidt, Leipzig, from the 30s of the last century as well as the digital version Kristall Grotesk MdK, created for...

Kis Antiqua Now TH Pro

Kis Antiqua Now TH Pro font

In the course of the re-vitalization of its Typoart typeface inventory, Elsner+Flake decided in 2006 to offer the “Kis Antiqua” by Hildegard Korger, in a re-worked form and with an extended sortiment, as an...

Kis Antiqua Now TB Pro

Kis Antiqua Now TB Pro font

In the course of the re-vitalization of its Typoart typeface inventory, Elsner+Flake decided in 2006 to offer the “Kis Antiqua” by Hildegard Korger, in a re-worked form and with an extended sortiment, as an...