font_foundry: Galapagos


Spleeny font

A gentle breeze on a warm summer’s day. A cozy gathering of friends and family around a crackling fire. The sweet aroma of freshly baked cinnamon bread. A slow walk in the autumn woods,...


Tangient font

Designed primarily for display use, Tangient is serviceable down to the larger text sizes. It presents an idiosyncratic profile, with a tight fit, clearly proportionally spaced, yet having the texture of a monospaced design....


Wakefield font

A gentle breeze caressed his face as his body took on the easy posture of a dancer on break. Flickering sparklets of light sprinkled the glass-smooth surface of the aqua liquid on which he...

Safe Font

Safe Font font

Some typefaces are more deserving of the reference “original typeface design” than are others. Such a typeface is Steve’s Safefont GD. It is indeed safe to say that this design has caused some controversy....


Baltra font

After researching the type styles contemporary graphic designers have been using over the past few years, I noticed a consistent use of Copperplate Gothic, and its derivative designs, for various corporate advertising campaigns. That...