font_foundry: GLC

1809 Homer

1809 Homer font

This family is inspired by the small hands used in the 1700’s 1800’s to write messages carried by carrier pigeons, also named “homers”, before the use of photography and microfilms in the same way....

1756 Dutch

1756 Dutch font

This family is inspired from the set of two styles, Roman normal and Italic, and the ornaments used by an unknown printer working around East Switzerland, circa 1750’s. It is a Dutch style font,...

1523 Holbein

1523 Holbein font

This typeface is an attempt to offer as a font the well known marvelous Hans Holbein “Death Alphabet”, first published in 1523. We have tried to preserve as much as possible the spirit and...

1695 Captain Flint

1695 Captain Flint font

This rough font, was created inspired from a lot of various european documents dated from the end of 1600’s. We were in search of a hand to accompany with “The Treasure Island” novel by...

1805 Jaeck Map

1805 Jaeck Map font

This font is mainly inspired from the engraved characters of a German Map depicting Germany’s roads and parts of surrounding lands, edited in Berlin probably in the end of 1700’s. The engraver was Carl...

1682 Writhed Hand

1682 Writhed Hand font

This funny font was created inspired from a contract of sale for a field prepared by a French notary in the end of the year 1682 (December seventh). We have worked to transform the...

1648 Chancellerie

1648 Chancellerie font

This font was inspired by the hand-written 1648 Munster peace treatise signed by French King Louis XIV and German emperor Ferdinand II. It is a Cancellaresca font style, meticulously written and almost legible. It...

1785 GLC Baskerville

1785 GLC Baskerville font

This family was created/inspired from the well-known Baskerville Roman and Italic typefaces created by John Baskerville, the English font designer. We were inspired by the original family sent by Baskerville’s wife after his death....

1669 Elzevir

1669 Elzevir font

This family was inspired from the set of font faces used in Amsterdam by Daniel Elzevir to print the famous “Tractatus de corde…” the study on earth anatomy by Richard Lower, in 1669. The...

1545 Faucheur

1545 Faucheur font

This family was inspired by the set of fonts used in Paris by Ponce Rosset, aka “Faucheur” to print the account of the second voyage to Canada by Jacques Cartier, first edition, in 1545....