font_foundry: Great Lakes Lettering

Penny Pincher

Penny Pincher font

Penny Pincher is here to deliver a great fun and fancy at a super value. Penny Pincher is perfect for childrens books, cereal boxes and board games. Makes you wish you were a kid...


Posie font

Posie is a hand made font created in Procreate by MJ herself. It’s a fun and whimsical font that would be perfect for greeting cards, toys, picture books or anything that requires a naive...

Sharp Shooter

Sharp Shooter font

Howdy pardner, stick ’em up! Sharp Shooter is a ruff rider that won’t take no guff. He’ll shoot first and send a ‘get well’ card later. This font makes a whimsical webfont, best for...


Distinction font

Distinction Is a brand new font from Great Lakes Lettering. A high contrast brush script with a ton of usefulness. Make you mark with Distinction.

Bon Voyage

Bon Voyage font

Based on the handwriting of Taryn Sutherland of Twinkle and Toast. Great Lakes Lettering is thrilled to release Bon Voyage. Add a flair of elegance and whimsy to your DIY designs.

Whirly Birds

Whirly Birds font

Whirly Bird was drawn by the talented Liz Bartucci of Tuccicursive and fonted by GLL. It has a playful bouncy baseline and tons of ligatures and alternate characters to capture a genuinely hand-drawn look.