font_foundry: Gunjan

Kubera Serif

Kubera Serif font

Kubera was designed to be a display and text face. It has six weights with same height. Kubera Serif is modernized letterform. It has square serif, high contrast stress, with large x height. Serifs...


Octo font

Octo is square bold/display font with italics. Letterform is bit quirky and square shaped, it can fill all kind of spaces. Octo has nice form that relate to industrial, machines and italics helps denoting...

Anant Grotesk

Anant Grotesk font

Anant Grotesk is a family of sans serif fonts which come with seven weights and seven styles, designed with squarish round shape and letterforms are precisely crafted. Anant Grotesk’s design character connects old and...


Kalkal font

Kalkal is slab serif typeface with five style, inspired by sign-board. It looks like many typeface with three dimensional. The main layer is regular and in-liner bring little spark in the Typeface. Two shadow...

Vayu Sans

Vayu Sans font

Vayu(air) Sans is light typeface family. The complete family design comes with 9 weights and 9 matching italics.The fluent functionality of Vayu(air) is created keeping in mind contextual and stylistic alternatives. Which perfectly suits...


Dabu font

Dabu is a hand paint inspired high contrast decorative display typeface. With unique five ornamental layers which makes Dabu very presentable and eye catchy.Dabu has identical styles that very well goes with logo design,...

Menaka Serif

Menaka Serif font

Menaka is a high contrast type family comes with five weights. The main feature of the typeface is round shaped stroke ends, which distinct it with other serif fonts. Menaka solves problem in many...