font_foundry: Handselecta
This style mimics the flare or upward fade that comes with the use of a spray paint can, as the tops of the letters flare, and become wider. An original font style, named after...
Sabe Ghetto Gothic is based upon the brush print-script of NYC graffiti writer, Sabe. SABE KST reps all five boroughs and just as many continents, with a post-modern self taught handstyle that combines all...
Mene One NY Throwie is a based on the “Throw up” styles, ubiquitous in the streets of NYC. Originally, executed in spray paint, Throw-ups are usually bubble-styled letters, done quickly in 2 or 3...
Meskyle Laid Back is based upon the handwritng of Mesk One. Part of the first significant generation of writers (MCA) to emerge from DC in the late 80s, influenced by Style Wars. He inched...
Joker Straight Letter, is based upon the handwriting of graffiti artist Joker. Originally from DC, Joker traveled through his youth, settling in Portland, Oregon. He is known for his innovative straight-letter styles, and abstract...
Mesh One AOK, is based on the handwriting of the artist of the same name. Born and raised in New York City, Mesh started the AOK crew with Reas and Wolf and the KRT...