font_foundry: Hanoded

Ice Cream Man

Ice Cream Man font

I was listening to an old Van Halen album when I made this font. I named it after one of my favorites: ‘Ice Cream Man’. Ice Cream Man is a happy, sloppy, wobbly kids...


Crowfeather font

I first wanted to call this family Crowbone, after Olaf Tryggvason, the legendary Viking king from Norway. Somehow I changed my mind and went for Crowfeather, because this is not a Viking font and...

Tough Cookie

Tough Cookie font

Tough Cookie is a handmade font that looks like it has been cut out. It comes in three varieties that work together really well. Use it for your book covers and product packaging, or...


Chalkaholic font

It seems black crayons are out of stock where I live. I can buy all the colors I want, except black ones… I really needed a crayon, so I bought this ridiculously expensive professional...

Sweet Lemon

Sweet Lemon font

Sweet Lemon started off as something completely different, but I screwed up and closed one the the glyphs by accident. I kind of liked it, so I made three distinct fonts, each one with...


Fingerfood font

I made this font using my index finger and Chinese ink. I thought the ink would come off easily, but I can tell you: it doesn’t. I have been walking around with a black...

Backyard Hero

Backyard Hero font

Judging the amount of superhero series, I thought it was time for a superhero-font. Meet Backyard Hero – your friendly neighbourhood good guy. He will fight off aliens and criminal masterminds, help old ladies...


Gingerline font

I love learning new words. I stumbled upon the term Gingerline after I named an older font Gamboge. Like Gamboge, Gingerline is a name for a shade of orange – the color of ripe...


Sugarloaf font

A sugarloaf was a conical lump in which refined sugar was sold until the late 19th century. In Fryslân you can buy sûkerbôle – a yeasty white bread containing large chunks of sugar. I...


Atonement font

Atonement is a splattery, scratchy font. I made it with a steel nibbed pen, a brush and some Chinese ink. I based it on my fonts Ravenheart, Qilin and American Grunge – mostly because...