font_foundry: Intellecta Design
Note: Only the regular style in this font family is currently available due the complexity and the resulting memory and performance issues associated with the other styles.
a handwrite naive font
a extensive family of naive brush typeface font…
a creepy font
“A capital titling face with numerals, erroneously labelled in Figgins specimen book of 1817 as an ‘antique’ or roman. With a very bold, nearly monoline construction and squared serifs as thick as the main...
a rough and naive fraktur font
The font here used is the Intellecta’s Frompac joined and art worked with the classical arabesques published in the Ludwig Petzendorfer’s Schriften-Atlas. Eine Sammlung der wichtigsten Schreib- und Druckschriften aus alter und neuer Zeit...
See also other font families inspired by Gans’ original typefaces: Gans Tipo Adorno, Gans Lath Modern, Gans Titular Adornada, Gans Ibarra, Gans Antigua, Gans Antigua Manuscrito, Gans Fulgor, Gans Radio Lumina, Gans Carmem Adornada,...
a grunge gothc font