font_foundry: Intellecta Design
Imprenta Royal Nonpareil is the Intellecta’s version of “Nonpareil”, an ancient font founded in the rare book “Muestras de los Punzones y Matrices de Letra que se funde en el Obrador de la Imprenta...
Libertee is a simple and elegant decorated font with floral ornaments and soft curves, inspired at the the Art Nouveau movement.
John Seddon (1644-1700), was a famous english writing master, the leading calligrapher of his time, and master of Sir John Johnson’s Free Writing School in Priest’s Court, Foster Lane. His portrait was drawn by...
A classic font design remastered by the type foundry Intellecta Design, from the extra-rare Bruce’s New York typefoundry from 1882. Distressed and antique, use this font in display purposes for a stylized type design....
Dolphus-Mieg Monograms is a collection of monograms from a rare cross-stitch booklet from the first year of the 20th Century. This new Monograms series was entirely designed by hand, without use of auto-tracing.