font_foundry: Intellecta Design

Imprenta Royal Nonpareil

Imprenta Royal Nonpareil font

Imprenta Royal Nonpareil is the Intellecta’s version of “Nonpareil”, an ancient font founded in the rare book “Muestras de los Punzones y Matrices de Letra que se funde en el Obrador de la Imprenta...


Libertee font

Libertee is a simple and elegant decorated font with floral ornaments and soft curves, inspired at the the Art Nouveau movement.


Bestiario font

John Seddon (1644-1700), was a famous english writing master, the leading calligrapher of his time, and master of Sir John Johnson’s Free Writing School in Priest’s Court, Foster Lane. His portrait was drawn by...

Bruce 532 Blackletter

Bruce 532 Blackletter font

A classic font design remastered by the type foundry Intellecta Design, from the extra-rare Bruce’s New York typefoundry from 1882. Distressed and antique, use this font in display purposes for a stylized type design....

Dolphus-Mieg Monograms

Dolphus-Mieg Monograms font

Dolphus-Mieg Monograms is a collection of monograms from a rare cross-stitch booklet from the first year of the 20th Century. This new Monograms series was entirely designed by hand, without use of auto-tracing.