font_foundry: Jeff Levine

Pickfair JNL

Pickfair JNL font

Pickfair JNL is based on the vintage wood type Vandenburgh Tuscan (circa 1867), and gets its name from the mansion owned by Douglas Fairbanks and Mary Pickford—two of the founding partners of United Artists...

Playwright JNL

Playwright JNL font

Playwright JNL and Playwright Slant JNL are versions of the perennial Art Deco font Broadway—with a look as if lettered by a sign painter.

Ramshackle JNL

Ramshackle JNL font

Ramshackle JNL was modeled from a 1940s lettering stencil and takes its place amongst the many vintage stencil font designs redrawn by Jeff Levine.

Crestview Six JNL

Crestview Six JNL font

The hand lettering found on a small catalog sheet for decorative decals from the 1930s-1940s era was the perfect source material for Crestview Six JNL. Handmade typefaces or signage from past decades offer a...

File Folder JNL

File Folder JNL font

File Folder JNL and File Folder Italic JNL are a pair of sans serif fonts with a square look.

Gramercy Eight JNL

Gramercy Eight JNL font

Gramercy Eight JNL is an outline and drop shadow treatment of Crestview Six JNL, inspired by some 1930s-1940s era Art Deco hand lettering spotted on a sales flier for some decorator decals.

More Printing Helpers JNL

More Printing Helpers JNL font

More Printing Helpers JNL gathers another assortment of vintage printing embellishments and ornaments from the late 1800s. Within the standard twenty-six alphabet keys are pointing hands, corner pieces, border elements and decorative center and...

Sign Letterer JNL

Sign Letterer JNL font

Sign Letterer JNL is the serif version of the Art Deco hand-lettering of Sign Painter JNL—and inspired by original pen lettering found on an old decal catalog sheet from the late 1940s to the...

Vendor JNL

Vendor JNL font

Vendor JNL is Jeff Levine’s take on the popular ribbon font of the Victorian Era, but using a vertical type (Trade Journal JNL) rather than skewed letters. End caps for the ribbon can be...

Vendor JNL

Vendor JNL font

Vendor JNL is Jeff Levine’s take on the popular ribbon font of the Victorian Era, but using a vertical type (Trade Journal JNL) rather than skewed letters. End caps for the ribbon can be...