font_foundry: Jeff Levine
Direkta JNL take the classic Art Deco influenced lettering of the 30s and 40s and adds a diagonal triangular cut into the letters, creating an air of forward movement.
Ginseng JNL evokes the mysticism and grandeur of the Far East. The font was originally conceived as either electricity in motion or glass shards, but the design simply built itself into a typeface that...
Ginseng JNL evokes the mysticism and grandeur of the Far East. The font was originally conceived as either electricity in motion or glass shards, but the design simply built itself into a typeface that...
Catalog JNL is based on a set of vintage wood type. Its uniform, block-style appearance is perfect for projects where bold, readable titling will apply. Available in regular and oblique styles.
While watching a movie filmed on location in New York, one scene stood out with a classic neon sign for a neighborhood restaurant. Ridgewood JNL is based on the lettering from that sign, and...
Type Vendor JNL gives a solid treatment to the dual-line Type Catalog JNL, and offers an oblique version as well.
Urmeba JNL has an odd history. Originally conceived a few years back as a… well… ‘barf’ font, this limited-character type design was revised by Jeff Levine into a less-offensive idea… that of friendly little...
The pages of vintage type foundry catalogs yield so much wonderful type design and artwork. Found within their pages are hundreds of classic text and display faces alongside delicately engraved cuts as well as...
Cybrox JNL takes a simple bitmap font and regenerates it into its most distressed form. The design is perfect for “technology-gone-bad” messages, radical headlines and anything with an electronic, techno or digital theme.
Cybrox JNL takes a simple bitmap font and regenerates it into its most distressed form. The design is perfect for “technology-gone-bad” messages, radical headlines and anything with an electronic, techno or digital theme.