font_foundry: Jonahfonts

Brush Swipe

Brush Swipe font

A freehand connected brush script with swash-caps and a variety ligatures. All lower case glyphs carefully designed to connect to each other creating a pleasant and legible script.Suitable for captions, packaging, cards, posters, ads,...


Espada font

Legible, dynamic and modern. Very suitable for a variety of applications.


Agave font

Agave a sans-serif family with 14 styles and 4 weights. The Light, Regular & Semibold contain Italics and Condensed styles, the Bold comes only in its’ upright and Italic styles. A text family designed...


Gianna font

Gianna is designed for many applications for that calligraphy look. Invoking Contextual-Alternates all lower case text followed by a space will automatically prompt its Glyph Terminal, including many ligatures complete with latin diacritics.


Gavel font

A very graphic font with emphasis on legibility, dynamics and modern. Very suitable for a variety of applications.


Saguenay font

Saguenay ia very versatile font which apply to many applications including headlines,web, logos, ads, captions, packaging, bulletins, posters, and greeting cards as well as short texts.


Applaud font

Applaud is a very versatile font which apply to many applications including headlines, logos, ads, captions, packaging, bulletins, posters, and greeting cards as well as short texts.