font_foundry: Linotype

Linotype Trajanus

Linotype Trajanus font

Warren Chappell named his font after the Roman emperor Trajanus, who ruled in the first century AD. The Roman capitals on Trajanus’ memorial combined with the lower case style from the time of Charlemagne...


Tiemann font

Tiemann Antiqua was designed by Walter Tiemann in 1923 and appeared with the Klingspor font foundry. It is one of the modern book typefaces created in the first half of the 20th century, but...


Avenir font

In drawing the Avenir® typeface, Adrian Frutiger looked to both the past and the future for inspiration. His goal was to reinterpret the geometric sans serif designs of the early part of the 20th...


Arcadia font

Brody’s fonts borrow elements from both Art Deco and non-Western styles. His designs received international recognition for their innovative, computer-oriented style, reaching almost cult status. Four original Brody fonts are available from Linotype…

Arnold Boecklin

Arnold Boecklin font

The font, Arnold Boecklin, appeared in 1904 with the font foundry Otto Weisert. Traces of the floral forms of the Jugendstil can still be seen in this typeface. Alphabets of this type were mainly...

Janson Text

Janson Text font

The Janson font was based on the matrices made for the typeface in the 17th century. It originated from the Dutch typeface designer Anton Janson and was cut by Nicholas Kis. The strong main...

Trade Gothic

Trade Gothic font

The first cuts of Trade Gothic were designed by Jackson Burke in 1948. He continued to work on further weights and styles until 1960 while he was director of type development for Mergenthaler-Linotype in...


Mateo font

Linotype Mateo is part of the Take Type Library, which features the winners of Linotype’s International Digital Type Design Contest from 1994 to 1997. Jürgen Ellenberger included three styles in his font, roman, bold...