font_foundry: URW Type Foundry

Corporate S WGL

Corporate S WGL font

The Corporate ASE typeface trilogy was designed by Prof. Kurt Weidemann, a well-known German designer and typographer, from 1985 until 1990. This superb trilogy consisting of the Corporate A (Antiqua), Corporate S (Sans Serif),...

Corporate E WGL

Corporate E WGL font

The Corporate ASE typeface trilogy was designed by Prof. Kurt Weidemann, a well-known German designer and typographer, from 1985 until 1990. This superb trilogy consisting of the Corporate Antiqua, Corporte Sans Serif, and Corporate...

Corporate A WGL

Corporate A WGL font

The Corporate ASE typeface trilogy was designed by Prof. Kurt Weidemann, a well-known German designer and typographer, from 1985 until 1990. This superb trilogy consisting of the Corporate A (Antiqua), Corporte S (Sans Serif),...


ClarendoNeo font

Why do we need a new Clarendon? German designer Björn Altmann studied all existing versions of Clarendon and their sources and found that these Clarendons, originally designed for text sizes, do not satisfy today’s...