font_foundry: YouWorkForThem
Quick, somebody call Erich von Däniken! YWFT S3 is a folktronic, arts-andcircuits, crocheted robotic masterpiece of the first order, with two weights (regular and alternate) and two pattern fonts, also at two weights (regular...
It has been said that a strong typeface is made stronger when it is applied to a thoughtfully considered composition. Helvetica, perhaps the strongest of all typefaces, even starred in its own film. But...
Like Dr. Seuss re-designing the DNA strand from the giant Oobleck ponds of heaven, YWFT Liana spills out and over your dingbat needs like so much kinky plumbing. Looking like pasta with the pox,...
More and more, nostalgia marketing has only continued to increase in popularity. Maybe it’s because our lives have become so hectic and demanding that we all secretly long for a simpler time. There is...
If spontaneity is the stuff of life, YouWorkForThem’s latest display script is living its own life to the fullest, and that Life. Is. Sweet. YWFT Gummy is a ridiculously friendly display font that marches...
We grabbed the soft-yet-gothic Ultramagnetic while it was totally unaware, dragged it into the alley out back, and roughed it up somethin’ fierce to create a tougher, edgier, and grittier version of one of...
YWFT Processing was developed in 2001 for Casey Reas, the co-creator of the Processing programming language. We created this display face to be sharp, tall, unique and interesting…much like Mr. Reas himself. The font...
When it comes to design versatility in typography, variable fonts are hard to beat. Just imagine being able to tweak a font’s height to fill a stretch of vertical space, or being able to...
YWFT Hugo has a broken, scrawled quality that commands the viewer’s attention by making them slightly uneasy: who is responsible for this crazy script, and more importantly, are they a safe distance away? At...
Designed by YouWorkForThem, YWFT Gavin is an eccentric type design based on the handset graphic collection, Gavin. While those original vector illustrations began as a hand-drawn exploration of George Bruce’s Seven-Line Pica, they eventually...